Bike counters provide useful information

Interest in bike counters is growing fast. A new type of bike counter has been installed in four places in Borås, and now Karlstad will also get two. The new type of bike counter counts the number of cyclists and presents the information locally and on the town’s website. They also provide an entirely new…

Effective decision-making support creates safety in traffic

When traffic gets snarled, quick action is called for. Trafik Stockholm has a totally unique decision support system that helps traffic controllers to quickly take the right action. For example, during a vehicle fire in 2008, the entire Södra Länken tunnel system was safely closed in less than 2 minutes. 24 minutes later, the fire…

A better overview in Göteborg 

Göteborgs Trafiklednings– och informationsenhet (TLI) is the municipal traffic control unit that guides bus and tram traffic in Göteborg. This is the heart of operations, whose task is to ensure that all passengers have access to secure, safe and well-functioning public transportation around the clock. Infracontrol simplifies everyday life for traffic controllers by gathering important…