Jönköping simplifies everyday life with IoT

Many Swedish municipalities make use of new, innovative IoT applications to better keep tabs on their infrastructure. Small, cheap, low power sensors and new communications networks make it possible to connect things that were previously expensive and awkward to monitor. For example, Jönköping has connected life saving devices and defibrillators to the new IoT network…

Uddevalla engages their citizens with City Points!

Uddevallahem, the municipal housing company in Uddevalla, became the first organization in Sweden to use the City Points app to create involvement and participation in a pick’n run event for the benefit of a national charity event called Musikhjälpen. For a week, 21 school classes collected points with the help of the app when they…

Quality-assured deliveries to Lund’s municipality

The procurement department in Lund municipality uses Infracontrol Online to check that suppliers comply with the agreed delivery performance. The app helps them check in deliveries quickly and easily report anything that’s amiss. This renders delivery performance clearer for suppliers while also providing purchasers valuable data when following up. Provisions purchasers in Lund municipality have been…

Better access and service in Gnosjö

Photo: Gnosjö municipalityMore and more municipalities are connecting to Infracontrol Online to streamline their technical administration and improve service to residents. In particular, it’s the ability to collect both alarms and fault reports along with the availability of more efficient quality assurance of contractors that lead many to choose to make use of the cloud…

Smart control lights up the streets of Lund

Lund municipality began connecting its lighting installations back in 2011, and today it has around 120 lighting control cabins connected to Infracontrol Online. The solution results in smarter, more adaptable control providing major energy savings. It also provides efficient operations monitoring allowing faults to be remedied faster. The ability to process alarms, fault reports and…