Special Reports

Disturbance message service simplifies everyday life

Road users and residents are able to get up-to-the-minute information about roadworks in a convenient way. An information service based on Infracontrol Online allows road users to subscribe to text messages produced by the contractor at the roadworks. The service is used by the Swedish Transport Administration during the current renovation of Highway 155 in…

Södertälje gets connected to Infracontrol Online 

Everyday work has been made easier in Södertälje thanks to Infracontrol Online. Operations alarms from installations and fault reports from the public are collated into clear, easy-to-read cases in a simple web-based service. Service delivered to residents is improved at the same time as operations and maintenance work is simplified. More and more people are…

Infracontrol expands into Spain

After a successful launch of Infracontrol Online in Portugal, we’re now also opening a subsidiary in Spain with a local office in Madrid. Spanish municipalities have shown great interest and we expect around ten to connect to our cloud service in the months ahead. They are looking to simplify their technical administration and quality assure…

Another 42 municipalities chose Infracontrol in 2015

In summing up the past year, we note that a further 42 municipalities chose to connect to Infracontrol Online during 2015. In all, there are almost 100 municipalities that now have the means to simplify their technical administration and improve service to their citizens. Fault reports and alarms are quickly and simply passed on to…

Winners of the Golden Mobile!

Infracontrol was awarded the prestigious Golden Mobile in the category “Internet of Things – Platform of the Year”. The prize was awarded by the annual Swedish Mobile Awards on January 28 in Stockholm. Jury justification for the award: “Infracontrol – This is intelligent infrastructure, reborn – making everyday city life simpler and smarter for the…

Brilliant results from our user survey!

We recently concluded this year’s user survey, which gathered the thoughts and opinions of Infracontrol Online users. The survey was opened from June through August and we received many good, useful responses. The results show that we have many satisfied users, which was good to hear, but just as important are the observations about things…

Intelligent Solutions – new partner in Norway

Following the launch of Infracontrol Online in Portugal, Spain and Denmark, it’s now Norway’s turn. During the fall, a collaboration was begun with Intelligent Solutions in Stavanger, which is in charge of developing the Infracontrol Community in the Norwegian market. Here too, there is a need to gain better control of society’s infrastructure and assure…

How’s your city doing today?

  Infracontrol City Dashboard We recently launched our entirely new City Dashboard, which provides a quick overview of the municipal situation. Information about fault reports, alarms and readings are collected, processed and visualized in a simple and intuitive way. Sometimes people don’t need a whole lot of details, just a quick overview of the situation…

Norrköping is getting smarter with IoT

More and more municipalities are discovering the possibilities the Internet of Things brings. The new technology allows the use of cheap, power-saving, wireless sensors for measuring e.g. water levels, air quality, or detecting faults in technical systems. But to really make a difference, they must be connected to a platform, which is well integrated into…