Mariestad is municipality #100!

Mariestad is the 100th municipality that has chosen to join Infracontrol! Like most of the other municipalities that have joined, the town will be using the service to simplify and assure the quality of observations processing and fault reporting, and thus improve its services to residents. It’s above all simplicity and the combination of case…

Lund Municipality takes control with Infracontrol Online

Lund municipality, already an Infracontrol Online user for parking guidance, will now go ahead and supplement the service with functions for fault reporting and case handling within technical administration. Citizens gain the ability to submit comments in a simple way while the municipality and external contractors keep their cases under full control. Katarina Granstedt, Public…

Lighting most common cause of fault reports

Just over 160 customers currently simplify their technical administration through connection to Infracontrol Online. Today, the service enables 3.6 million residents to submit fault reports and observations. It monitors 164,000 technical alarm points, and users such as operators, customer service and maintenance personnel, contractors and municipal administrators number more than 10,000. In 2019, just over…

Life gets simpler in Ludvika

Ludvika municipality has also joined Infracontrol Community and uses Infracontrol Online to take care of fault reports and to monitor actions in the highways and parks area. Dialogs with residents are made simpler as faults are easily reported via Infracontrol’s smartphone app and the municipality’s website. At the same time, they have a better overview…

Lidköping delivers better service

A year has passed since Lidköping Municipality began using Infracontrol Online to simplify its technical administration. It has resulted in faster, better service for residents and companies alike, who perceive the municipality as being more accessible and transparent regarding fault reports and operational issues. At the same time, they’ve gained a better overall picture of…

Let your residents collect points!

City Points is a cloud service in which residents can collect points by taking part in useful activities. It’s been in use for just over a year in Cascais in Portugal with good results, and Infracontrol is now offering the service as a complement to Infracontrol Online. By highlighting and rewarding activities that promote sustainability,…

Less stress in Ystad

Four years ago, Ystad municipality decided to connect to Infracontrol Online. Since then, all fault reports have been quickly and simply passed on to those responsible for taking action, thus helping to reduce stress for those working in the municipality’s technical department. The ability to easily submit fault reports together with the availability of effective…

Jönköping simplifies everyday life with IoT

Many Swedish municipalities make use of new, innovative IoT applications to better keep tabs on their infrastructure. Small, cheap, low power sensors and new communications networks make it possible to connect things that were previously expensive and awkward to monitor. For example, Jönköping has connected life saving devices and defibrillators to the new IoT network…

Jönköping saves lives with IoT

Ten thousand people suffer from cardiac arrest in Sweden yearly, and only 600 survive. Quick response with CPR and a defibrillator increase the chances of survival immensely. Jönköping municipality has started to connect defibrillators to their IoT network to ensure this vital equipment is always available. An alarm is immediately sent through Infracontrol Online to…